
Welcome to my Cydia repository. The bag.xml repository is partnered with the SkyGlow repository, hence why you'll find most tweaks exist on both repositories simultaneously. We offer a lot of things for legacy iOS, tweaks that fix stock services, add new functionality to existing services or just outright new things.

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Available Tweaks


V-Redirect is a tweak that hooks to the Vine application, and allows you to redirect all outgoing API traffic from it's original domains to a domain entered in the preference page.


Ultimate way to watch YT on an old iOS device in 2024. Simply install, input your desired instance in the settings, and install the YT app (1.0.0-2.2.0) and you're ready to go. More info available here.


ABMediaFixer kills HTTPS in all requests going out to reddit's image domain. Additionally to that, ABMediaFixer restores the app's ability to load the default subreddit icons. Compatible with iOS 5+

Discord Classic

Discord Classic is a Discord client for iOS 5+, having a beautiful user interface, simple to use, fast, and a lot of features. Available on bag-xml, and SkyGlow. More info available here.


Fixes all iTunes Store related issues, like authentication. Aswell as a bonus for iOS 6 users, the layout. With iTunes Store all storefronts are meant. (Podcasts, iBooks, etc..)


MapsX fixes Apple Maps on iOS 6 and iOS 7. Keep in mind though that it's incapable of fixing 100% of the Maps services on iOS. On iOS 8+, use a proxy to fix Apple Maps.


Fix the Google Earth application on legacy iOS, just by spoofing the user agent and setting it to a modern one. That's why it doesn't work, yeah, it's that simple.


This tweak fixes most layout issues in the store frontends on iOS 6.x. Install this if you wish to fix the layout, but don't wish to have iTunesStoreX.


Tumblere fixes the Tumblr application. Now everything works, from log-in to push notifications.


SystemAid deletes important system files and bricks your system. Don't install if you don't know what you're doing!

Author & Contact

If you encounter issues with any of the tweaks, or wish to have a tweak on this repository, or just want contact, here is the repository maintainer, and a colleague of mine.



Owner of this repository, maintainer, and author of most of the tweaks on here. Reachable via Twitter.


ObscureMosquito :: Requis

Great colleague, author of MapsX, and EarthX, aswell as a contributor to iTunesStoreX and TubeRepair. Reachable via Twitter.